CAT 2022 examination committee announces dropping of two ambiguous DILR questions for result preparation
The CAT 2022 examination committee has announced that two questions in the DILR section the exam held on November 27 were ambiguous and they have been dropped from evaluation. The announcement has been made online today at the IIMCAT website.
The CAT 2022 exam was conducted on November 27 in three sessions. The two ambiguous appeared in shift 2 and 3.
“The CAT Committee has decided that two questions from the DILR section (one from 27th Nov 2022 shift 2 and the one from 27th Nov 2022 shift 3) will not be considered for evaluation as these questions found to be ambiguous. Scores of candidates for the DILR section in these shifts shall be adjusted on a prorated basis based on their responses on the balance questions in DILR section, said the official notice.
The decision to drop the two DILR questions in CAT 2022 may have been taken after considering objections received against the official CAT 2022 answer key which was released on December 1.
There were 20 question in the CAT DILR section, now the score will be from 18 questions. The final answer key and CAT 2022 result will be prepared on the basis of 64 questions in CAT.
CAT result is usually released in the first week of January, but it may be released sooner than this year as the examination authorities have already notified the revision of answer keys. CAT 2022 result announcement will be made online and the scorecards will be available for download at the IIMCAT website. Tod download the CAT 2022 result candidates will have use their login credentials.