TECNIA INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES is designed to prepare students for careers in Management and Leadership in both the Private and Public sectors. Students acquire a comprehensive foundation in the fundamentals of Business, the Global environment in which they will function, and the Analytical tools for intelligent decision-making through two programs:-
Management Education in India has undergone considerable change over the years. The launch of the first two IIMs in Calcutta and Ahmadabad in 1961 marked the beginning of a revolution in management education. The advent of economic liberalization in India in the mid-80s gave a new thrust to management education. The proliferation of Institutions providing Management Education continued over the years from 2011-12. Globally, there are over 13000 Business Schools and India alone is having one third of them, indicating substantial quantitative growth of management education. At the same time, there is dire need to enhance their quality and raise the bar to meet the international standards.
In this fast disruptive digital economy and VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world, high-quality management education is essential for India. Use of technology is one of the powerful ways to enhance the students’ ability to meet the ever- changing requirements of the corporate world and society. MBA students are equipped to work across Time Zones, Languages, and Cultures. Employability, Innovation, Theory to Practice connectedness are the central focus of MBA curriculum. The students develop mastery of the academic disciplines and applied functional areas to become business leader’s.
Department of Management Science of Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies within a short duration of time has evolved as a progressive MBA program Institute with distinct curriculum and innovative teaching methodology. The Institute campus in institutional area is quite serene and conducive for academic pursuits. Student find its environment motivating, Institute offers a cultivation ground for raising competent management specialists in tune with the contemporary business environment and emergent managerial needs. The Institute encourages individual growth, team building, extra-curricular activities, industry interaction and a multi-disciplinary study and research culture. At TIAS, wide-range of pedagogy for developing learning skills are deployed to impart knowledge to the learners. The students learn through various management exercises, case studies and analysis, lectures and live projects. The study structure helps the students in developing an analytical bent of mind to understand the dynamics of the business environment and prepares them to become competent.
The Institute meets aspirations of future managers, to take on challenges of decision making in the realm of core management functions catering to the ever changing demands of the Industry. The department has highly qualified & experienced faculty who surpass in their respective domain areas. The institute aspires to produce individuals, fortified to contribute for progress at all levels both on national and global.
The department identifies thrust area of research and live projects in the domain of:-
Technology Management
Business Analytics
Six Sigma in Quality Management
Engineering Management
Innovation Management
Supply Chain Resilience
Heritage Management
Project Management
Operations Management
Organizational Behavior
Strategic Planning
Management Information System
Social Enterprise Management
Talent Management
Risk Management
Leadership FDP:
Sustainable Change Management
U.S Baldrige Education PerformanceExcellence Framework
Community Service Importance
Project Management
Risk Management
Soft Skills Excellence:
Leadership Excellence
Effective Decision Making
Effective Time management
Effective Teamwork
Effective Project Management
NEP 2020 Implementation – Sharing Successes and Failures