Semester 1
- Basic Psychological Processes [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Psychology ) ]
- Child Psychology [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Psychology ) ]
- Differential Calculus and Integral calculus [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Mathematics ) ]
- Accounting Fundamentals [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Management ) ]
- Business Statistics [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Management ) ]
- Business Ethics and Governance [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Management ) ]
- Computer Applications [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Management ) ]
- Introduction to Business Economics [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Management ) ]
- Introduction to Management Principles [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Management ) ]
- Digital Circuit Design [Discipline II (Major II) / Minor Stream (Computer Applications ) ]
- Get Connecting [Discipline I (Major I) / Major (Core) (Information Technology ) ]
- Problem Solving using Computers & Python Programming [Discipline I (Major I) / Major (Core) (Information Technology ) ]
- Fundamentals of Environmental Studies [Co-curricular Courses]
- Communication Skills - I [Communication Skills]
- Foreign Business Language
- Open Elective Courses
- Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 2
- Sociology of Change and Development [Human Social Sciences & Management Courses]
- Data Structures Using C [Core Courses]
- Operating System Concepts [Core Courses]
- Network Basics [Allied Courses]
- Communication Skills - II [Communication Skills]
- Foreign Business Language
- Open Elective Courses
- Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 3
- Term Paper [Supervised Independent Learning/ Non-Teaching Credit Courses]
- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language [Core Courses]
- Introduction to Data Base Management Systems [Core Courses]
- Object Oriented Programming Using Java [Core Courses]
- Discrete Mathematics for IT [Allied Courses]
- Individual Excellence & Social Dynamics [Behavioural Science]
- Foreign Business Language
- Open Elective Courses
- Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 4
- Accounting Fundamentals [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Computational Statistics [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Fundamental of Cloud Computing & Enterprise [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Fundamentals of Digital Marketing [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Fundamentals of Routing Protocols [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Human Computer Interaction [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- IT Project Management [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Principles of Computer Graphics [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Cyber and Information Security [Core Courses]
- Software Engineering and Modeling [Core Courses]
- Web Technologies and Applications [Core Courses]
- Creativity for Team Excellence [Behavioural Science]
- Foreign Business Language
- Open Elective Courses
- Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 5
- Summer Internship [Supervised Independent Learning/ Non-Teaching Credit Courses]
- Data Warehousing and Mining [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Fundamentals of E-commerce [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Image Processing [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Internet of Things [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Introduction to e-Governance [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- INTRODUCTION TO PACKET TRACER [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design [Specialisation Elective Courses]
- Unix Operating System and Shell Programming [Core Courses]
- Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility [Professional Ethics]
- Foreign Business Language
- Open Elective Courses
- Outdoor Activity Based Courses