Objectives of the MBA Programme
The MBA programme of DoMS is intended to serve the following objectives:
• To create a generation of knowledge leaders who will contribute to the development of socially
conscious businesses.
• To impart knowledge and training to aspiring business managers capable of providing a right mix of
innovation, operational nuances and refinement in value chain.
• To integrate information technology (such as internet technologies, database management systems,
computer networks, information and communications technologies, data mining, artificial intelligence,
digitalization etc.) into business processes through creativity and processes of continuous
• To create a level of sensitization towards strategic business intent and put in place a sense of social
responsibility and efficient resource utilization.
• To develop competencies for development of technology-driven management solutions.
Features of the MBA Programme
• There is a mix of core and elective courses. Students are required to do core courses in the first two
semesters. In the third and fourth semesters, students will opt for elective courses.
• These elective courses are from a pre-designated stream of focus area (such as Technology and
Operations, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Finance, Management of Social Sector etc.)
or students will have a choice to opt for any elective not necessarily in a particular focus area.
• Summer internship is identified as a core course, which will be followed by colloquium in the third
• There are some “Audit” courses. The grade in these courses with be Pass/Fail only.
• To emphasize project-based learning, the project/work is to be offered across third and fourth
• To encourage and enhance communication skills, every semester there will be “Seminar” to be
presented by students. In the first semester, student may present on topics related to IT and its
integration into various management functions. The second semester “Seminar” will prepare students
for a particular functional area (such as Marketing, Operations. Finance, etc.). This will also prepare
them for summer internship. The colloquium in the third semester will be based on students
experience of summer internship with industry.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (ABVIIITM) Gwalior
- GwaliorMadya Pradesh
- Private
- 1997
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- Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (ABVIIITM) Gwalior
MBA Course
Program/ Course
Admission Highlights
Total seats offered – Open
Admission based on CAT score, GD (group discussion), and interview
For exact Admission start and end dates, notifications need to be followed.
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