Managerial Processes, Functions, Skills and Roles, Nature and Purpose of
International Business, Forms of International Business, Unifying Effect,
Potentials for Conflict, Country Alliances and Economic Blocs,
Planning and Management by Objectives; Types of plans, Steps in planning,
Strategic Planning Process, Verifiable Objectives, Systems approach to
Decision Making; Planning Processes; Rational Model of Decision Making,
Individual Decision Making and Problem Solving.
Organizational Design and Structure, Departmentation, Line/Staff Authority,
Delegation and Decentralization, Controlling: Process and Techniques of
Leading; Theories, Models, types of Leadership, success stories 3
Coordination; Elements, Features, Importance, Features, Types of
coordination, Techniques of Effective coordination, Principles of
coordination, Problems in Coordination
Controlling; Basic Control process, Critical Control Points, Strategic Control,
Benchmarking, Feedback and Feedforward System, Beaurocratic and Clan
control, Control techniques, Program Evaluation and Review Techniques