The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. As Digital Technologies occupy the central space in every industry, the Master’s course is focused on imparting in-depth knowledge of various aspects of Computer Science and Information Technology to the students. With smartphones and digital gadgets occupying maximum space in our life, M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering is fast emerging as the preferred choice of career. The course involves project based learning and chances to interact with industry and academia experts that help the students to learn and incorporate emerging technologies and understand their practical application for problem solving.
To help the students learn and master coding skills
To make the students capable of providing solutions through computer programming
To create success stories of innovation and digital advancements in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
MTech in Computer Science by MMDU
Students emerge confident about dealing with Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and building software for solving problems
Expert level knowledge about topics such as software testing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data security, project management and quality assurance
Create a niche for themselves in their choice of a career ranging from software development to data management to AI tools.