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CAT Admit Card 2023: Easy 5-Step Download Guide at iimcat.ac.in-CAT Official Website, Available from 5 PM on No

My Campus Review - News & Events

CAT Admit Card 2023 will be available for download starting from 5 PM on November 7, 2023. To access and download your CAT Admit Card, follow these simple steps on the official CAT website, iimcat.ac.in:

Step 1: Visit the Official CAT Website (iimcat.ac.in) and look for the 'Login' icon.

Step 2: Enter your 7-digit CAT Login ID and Password. This will direct you to the Admit Card page. In case you forget your password, click on 'forget password,' and the IIMs will send your CAT login ID and password to your registered email ID for the CAT exam.

Step 3: On the Admit Card page, click on the 'Admit Card' section. This will lead you to a new page displaying your Exam Centre and Test Slot Details.

Step 4: Click on the PDF file of your Admit Card. Once clicked, your Admit Card will be downloaded to your device.

Step 5: Verify all the details on your Admit Card. If there are any discrepancies, it is advisable to get them corrected at the CAT center. After confirming the details, take a printout of your CAT Admit Card.

Please note that no hard copy of the CAT Hall Ticket will be sent by IIM Lucknow. Ensure that you download your Admit Card between November 7 and November 26, 2023, which is also the day of the CAT exam. Candidates whose CAT forms have been submitted successfully can access and download their CAT Admit Card. Make sure to download your Admit Card at the earliest to verify your details and rectify any errors promptly.word, do not worry, click on ‘forget password’ and IIMs will send your CAT login ID and password to your registered Mail ID for CAT exam