Course Outcomes (COs) for top BTech CSE college in Punjab
Semester: III
BTCS301-18 Best Data Structures & Algorithm College in Ludhiana, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS301-18.1 Analyze the algorithms to determine the time and computation complexity and justify the correctness.
- BTCS301-18.2 Handle operations like searching, insertion, deletion, and traversing on various Data Structures and determine the time and computational complexity.
- BTCS301-18.3 Write an algorithm Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, and Heap Sort and compare their performance in terms of Space and Time complexity;
- BTCS301-18.4 Choose the appropriate Data Structure as applied to the specific problem definition.
- BTCS301-18.5 Demonstrate the reusability of Data Structures for implementing complex iterative problems.
BTCS302-18 Top Object-Oriented Programming College in Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCE302-18.1 Identify classes, objects, members of a class, and the relationships among them needed to solve a specific problem.
- BTCE302-18.2 Demonstrate the concept of constructors and destructors. And create new definitions for some of the operators.
- BTCE302-18.3 Create function templates and overload function templates.
- BTCE302-18.4 Understand and demonstrate the concept of data encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism with virtual functions.
- BTCE302-18.5 Demonstrate the concept of file operations, streams in C++, and various I/O manipulators.
BTCS303-18 Data Structures & Algorithm Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS303-18.1 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing basic linear data structure algorithms.
- BTCS303-18.2 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing Non-linear data structure algorithms.
- BTCS303-18.3 Use Linear and Non-Linear data structures to solve relevant problems.
- BTCS303-18.4 Choose the appropriate Data Structure as applied to specific problem definitions.
- BTCS303-18.5 Implement Various searching algorithms and become familiar with their design methods.
BTCS304-18 Object-Oriented Programming Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS304-18.1 Develop classes incorporating object-oriented techniques.
- BTCS304-18.2 Design and implement object-oriented concepts of inheritance and polymorphism.
- BTCS304-18.3 Illustrate and implement the STL class of containers and the need for exceptions to handle errors for object-oriented programs.
- BTCS304-18.4 Design and implement any real-world-based problem involving a GUI interface using object-oriented concepts.
BTAM304-18 Mathematics III
Students will be able to
- BTAM304-18.1 Understand the functions of several variables that are essential in most branches of engineering.
- BTAM304-18.2 Apply multiple integrals to deal with areas and volumes of various structures which are quite significant in the real world.
- BTAM304-18.3 Formulate and solve engineering problems related to convergence, infinite series, power series, and Taylor series.
- BTAM304-18.4 Create, select, and utilize the learned techniques of first-degree ordinary differential equations to model real-world problems.
- BTAM304-18.5 Be acquainted with the knowledge required to solve higher-order ordinary differential equations.
BTES301-18 Best Digital Electronics College in Khanna, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTES301-18.1 Demonstrate the operation of simple digital gates, identify the symbols, develop the truth table for those gates; combine simple gates into more complex circuits; change binary, hexadecimal, and octal numbers to their decimal equivalent and vice versa
- BTES301-18.2 Demonstrate the operation of a flip-flop. Design counters and clear the concept of shift registers.
- BTES301-18.3 Study different types of memories and their applications. Convert digital signal into analog and vice versa.
BTES302-18 Digital Electronics Lab
Students will be able to
- BTES301-18.1 Realize combinational circuits using logic gates.
- BTES301-18.2 Realize sequential circuits using logic gates.
- BTES301-18.3 Realize various types of Flip-flops and counters.
Semester IV
BTES401-18 Top Computer Organization & Architecture College in Punjab, India
Students will be able to
- BTES401-18.1 Understand the functional block diagram of the microprocessor. BTES401-18.2 Apply instruction set for Writing assembly language programs
- BTES401-18.3 Design a memory module and analyze its operation by interfacing it with the CPU.
- BTES401-18.4 Classify hardwired and microprogrammed control units. BTES401-18.5 Understand the concept of pipelining and its performance metrics.
BTCS402-18 Best Operating System College in Ludhiana, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS402-18.1 Explain basic operating systems concepts such as overall architecture, system calls, user mode, and kernel mode.
- BTCS402-18.2 Distinguish concepts related to processes, threads, process scheduling, race conditions, and critical sections.
- BTCS402-18.3 Analyze and apply CPU scheduling algorithms, deadlock detection, and prevention algorithms.
- BTCS402-18.4 Examine and categorize various memory management techniques like caching, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, and thrashing.
- BTCS402-18.5 Design and implement a file management system.
- BTCS402-18.6 Appraise high-level operating systems concepts such as file systems, disk-scheduling algorithms, and various file systems.
BTCS403-18 Best Design & Analysis of Algorithms College in Khanna, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS403-18.1 For given algorithms analyze the worst-case running times of algorithms based on asymptotic analysis and justify the correctness of algorithms.
- BTCS403-18.2 Explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for which design paradigm (greedy/ divide and conquer/backtrack etc.).
- BTCS403-18.3 Explain the model for a given engineering problem, using a tree or graph, and write the corresponding algorithm to solve the problems.
- BTCS403-18.4 Demonstrate the ways to analyze approximation/randomized algorithms (expected running time, probability of error).
- BTCS403-18.5 Examine the necessity for NP class-based problems and explain the use of heuristic techniques.
BTES402-18 Top Computer Organization & Architecture Lab courses in Khanna
Students will be able to
- BTES402-18.1 Assemble a personal computer.
- BTES402-18.2 Implement the various assembly language programs for basic arithmetic and logical operations.
- BTES402-18.3 Demonstrate the functioning of microprocessor/microcontroller- based systems with an I/O interface.
BTCS404-18 Operating System Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS404-18.1 Understand and implement basic services and functionalities of the operating system.
- BTCS404-18.2 Analyze and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority.
- BTCS404-18.3 Implement commands for files and directories.
- BTCS404-18.4 Understand and implement the concepts of shell programming.
- BTCS404-18.5 Simulate file allocation and organization techniques.
- BTCS404-18.6 Understand the concepts of deadlock in operating systems and implement them in multiprogramming systems.
BTCS405-18 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS405-18.1 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing complex problems with different techniques.
- BTCS405-18.2 Understand the comparative performance of strategies and hence choose appropriate, to apply to specific problem definition.
- BTCS405-18.3 Implement Various tree and graph-based algorithms and become familiar with their design methods.
- BTCS405-18.4 Design and Implement heuristics for real-world problems.
EVS101-18 Best Environmental Sciences College in Punjab
Students will be able to
- EVS101-18.1 Reflect critically on their roles and identities as citizens, consumers, and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world.
- EVS101-18.2 Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
- EVS101-18.3 Understand core concepts and methods from ecological and physical sciences and their application in environmental problem-solving.
- EVS101-18.4 Understand key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
- EVS101-18.5 Nurture natural curiosity and creativity for the immediate surroundings.
BTCS401-18 Top Discrete Mathematics College in Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS401-18.1 To be able to express logical sentences in terms of predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives.
- BTCS401-18.2 To derive the solution for a given problem using deductive logic and prove the solution based on logical inference.
- BTCS401-18.3 For a given mathematical problem, classify its algebraic structure.
- BTCS401-18.4 To evaluate Boolean functions and simplify expressions using the properties of Boolean algebra.
- BTCS401-18.5 To develop the given problem as graph networks and solve it with techniques of graph theory.
Semester V
BTES501-18 Best Enterprise Resource Planning College in Ludhiana
Students will be able to
- BTES401-18.1 To know the basics of ERP.
- BTES401-18.2 To understand the key implementation issues of ERP. BTES401-18.3 To know the business modules of ERP.
- BTES401-18.4 To be aware of some popular products in the area of ERP.
BTCS501-18 Database Management System
Students will be able to
- BTCS501-18.1 Write relational algebra expressions for a query and optimize the Developed expressions.
- BTCS501-18.2 Design the databases using ER method and normalization. BTCS501-18.3 Construct the SQL queries for Open source and Commercial
- BTCS501-18.4 Determine the transaction atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
- BTCS501-18.5 Implement the isolation property, including locking, time stamping based on concurrency control, and Serializability of scheduling.
BTCS502-18 Formal Language & Automata Theory
Students will be able to
- BTCS502-18.1 Write a formal notation for strings, languages, and machines. BTCS502-18.2 Design finite automata to accept a set of strings of a language.
- BTCS502-18.3 Design context-free grammar to generate strings of context-free language.
- BTCS502-18.4 Determine equivalence of languages accepted by Push Down Automata and languages generated by context-free grammars.
- BTCS502-18.5 Distinguish between computability and non-computability and Decidability and undecidability.
BTCS503-18 Software Engineering
Students will be able to
- BTCS503-18.1 Students should be able to identify the need for an engineering approach to software development and various processes of requirements analysis for software engineering problems.
- BTCS503-18.2 Analyse various software engineering models and apply methods for the design and development of software projects.
- BTCS503-18.3 Work with various techniques, metrics, and strategies for Testing software projects.
- BTCS503-18.4 Identify and apply the principles, processes, and main knowledge areas for Software Project Management.
- BTCS503-18.5 Proficiently apply standards, CASE tools, and techniques for engineering software projects.
BTCS504-18 Computer Networks
Students will be able to
- BTCS504-18.1 Explain the functions of the different layers of the OSI Protocol. BTCS504-18.2 Describe the function of each block of wide-area networks (WANs),
- local area networks (LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs).
- BTCS504-18.3 Develop the network programming for a given problem-related TCP/IP protocol.
- BTCS504-18.4 Configure DNS DDNS, TELNET, EMAIL, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth, and Firewalls using open-source available software and tools.
BTCS505-18 Database Management System Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS505-18.1 This practical will enable students to retrieve data from relational databases using SQL.
- BTCS505-18.2 Students will be able to implement the generation of tables using datatypes.
- BTCS505-18.3 Students will be able to design and execute the various data manipulation queries.
- BTCS505-18.4 Students will also learn to execute triggers, cursors, stored procedures, etc.
BTCS506-18 Software Engineering Lab
Students will be able to
BTC506-18.1 BTC506-18.2 BTC506-18.3 BTC506-18.4
BTCS507-18 Computer Network Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS507-18.1 Know about the various networking devices and tools and also understand the implementation of network topologies.
- BTCS507-18.2 Create various networking cables and know how to test these cables.
- BTCS507-18.3 Create and configure networks in packet trace tool using various network devices and topologies.
- BTCS507-18.4 Understand IP addressing and configure networks using the subnet.
- BTCS507-18.5 Configure routers using various router configuration commands.
BTCS510-18 Programming in Python
Students will be able to
- BTCS510-18.1 Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and functions.
- BTCS510-18.2 Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems
- BTCS510-18.3 Create, run, and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries and use Regular Expressions.
- BTCS510-18.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
- BTCS510-18.5 Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services, and Databases in Python.
BTCS513-18 Programming in Python Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS513-18.1 Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and functions.
- BTCS513-18.2 Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems.
- BTCS513-18.3 Create, run, and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries, and use Regular Expressions.
- BTCS513-18.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
- BTCS513-18.5 Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services, and Databases in Python.
Semester VI
BTCS601-18 Compiler Design
Students will be able to
- BTCS601-18.1 Build concepts on lexical analysis.
- BTCS601-18.2 Understand strategies of syntax analysis.
- BTCS601-18.3 Learn techniques of Intermediate code generation.
- BTCS601-18.4 Understand code design issues and design code generators.
- BTCS601-18.5 Design and develop optimized codes.
BTCS604-18 Compiler Design Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS604-18.1 Build concepts on lexical analysis.
- BTCS604-18.2 Understand strategies of syntax analysis.
- BTCS604-18.3 Learn techniques of Intermediate code generation.
- BTCS604-18.4 Understand code design issues and design code generators.
- BTCS604-18.5 Design and develop optimized codes.
BTCS602-18 Artificial Intelligence
Students will be able to
- BTCS602-18.1 Build intelligent agents for search and games.
- BTCS602-18.2 Solve AI problems by learning various algorithms and strategies.
- BTCS602-18.3 Understand probability as a tool to handle uncertainty.
- BTCS602-18.4 Learning optimization and inference algorithms for model learning.
- BTCS602-18.5 Design and develop programs for a reinforcement agent to learn and act in a structured environment.
BTCS605-18 Artificial Intelligence
Students will be able to
- BTCS605-18.1 Build intelligent agents for search and games.
- BTCS605-18.2 Solve AI problems by learning various algorithms and strategies.
- BTCS605-18.3 Understand probability as a tool to handle uncertainty.
- BTCS605-18.4 Learn optimization and inference algorithms for model learning.
- BTCS605-18.5 Design and develop programs for a reinforcement agent to learn and act in a structured environment.
BTCS608-18 Internet of Things
Students will be able to
- BTCS608-18.1 Understand the Internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
- BTCS608-18.2 Learn interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules.
- BTCS608-18.3 Remotely monitor data and control devices.
- BTCS608-18.4 Develop real-life IoT-based projects.
BTCS609-18 Internet of Things Labs
Students will be able to
- BTCS609-18.1 Understand the Internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
- BTCS609-18.2 Interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules.
- BTCS609-18.3 Remotely monitor data and control devices.
- BTCS609-18.4 Develop real-life IoT-based projects.
BTCS612-18 Cloud Computing
Students will be able to
- BTCS612-18.1 Understand the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.
- BTCS612-18.2 Understanding the importance of virtualization along with their technologies.
- BTCS612-18.3 Analyze various cloud computing service and deployment models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
- BTCS612-18.4 Students will learn the Implementation of various security strategies for different cloud platforms.
BTCS613-18 Top Cloud Computing College in India
Students will be able to
- BTCS613-18.1 Understand the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.
- BTCS613-18.2 Understanding the importance of virtualization along with their technologies.
- BTCS613-18.3 Analyze various cloud computing service and deployment models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
- BTCS613-18.4 Implementation of various security strategies for different cloud platforms.
BTCS618-18 Best Machine Learning College in Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS618-18.1 Analyse methods and theories in the field of machine learning.
- BTCS618-18.2 Analyse and extract features of complex datasets.
- BTCS618-18.3 Deploy techniques to comment on the Regression
- BTCS618-18.4 Comprehend and apply different classification and clustering techniques.
- BTCS618-18.5 Understand the concept of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm
BTCS619-18 Top Machine Learning Lab College in Ludhiana, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS619-18.1 Analyse methods and theories in the field of machine learning.
- BTCS619-18.2 Analyse and extract features of complex datasets.
- BTCS619-18.3 Deploy techniques to comment for the Regression.
- BTCS619-18.4 Comprehend and apply different classification and clustering techniques.
- BTCS619-18.5 Understand the concept of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.