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Gulzar Group of Institutes (GGI) Ludhiana

Gulzar Group of Institutes (GGI) Ludhiana

  • LudhianaPunjab
  • Private
  • 2009

B.Tech Course

Program/ Course

Course Outcomes (COs) for top BTech CSE college in Punjab

Semester: III

BTCS301-18 Best Data Structures & Algorithm College in Ludhiana, Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTCS301-18.1 Analyze the algorithms to determine the time and computation complexity and justify the correctness.
  • BTCS301-18.2 Handle operations like searching, insertion, deletion, and traversing on various Data Structures and determine the time and computational complexity.
  • BTCS301-18.3 Write an algorithm Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, and Heap Sort and compare their performance in terms of Space and Time complexity;
  • BTCS301-18.4 Choose the appropriate Data Structure as applied to the specific problem definition.
  • BTCS301-18.5 Demonstrate the reusability of Data Structures for implementing complex iterative problems.

BTCS302-18 Top Object-Oriented Programming College in Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTCE302-18.1 Identify classes, objects, members of a class, and the relationships among them needed to solve a specific problem.
  • BTCE302-18.2 Demonstrate the concept of constructors and destructors. And create new definitions for some of the operators.
  • BTCE302-18.3 Create function templates and overload function templates.
  • BTCE302-18.4 Understand and demonstrate the concept of data encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism with virtual functions.
  • BTCE302-18.5 Demonstrate the concept of file operations, streams in C++, and various I/O manipulators.

BTCS303-18 Data Structures & Algorithm Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS303-18.1 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing basic linear data structure algorithms.
  • BTCS303-18.2 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing Non-linear data structure algorithms.
  • BTCS303-18.3 Use Linear and Non-Linear data structures to solve relevant problems.
  • BTCS303-18.4 Choose the appropriate Data Structure as applied to specific problem definitions.
  • BTCS303-18.5 Implement Various searching algorithms and become familiar with their design methods.

BTCS304-18 Object-Oriented Programming Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS304-18.1 Develop classes incorporating object-oriented techniques.
  • BTCS304-18.2 Design and implement object-oriented concepts of inheritance and polymorphism.
  • BTCS304-18.3 Illustrate and implement the STL class of containers and the need for exceptions to handle errors for object-oriented programs.
  • BTCS304-18.4 Design and implement any real-world-based problem involving a GUI interface using object-oriented concepts.

BTAM304-18 Mathematics III 

Students will be able to

  • BTAM304-18.1 Understand the functions of several variables that are essential in most branches of engineering.
  • BTAM304-18.2 Apply multiple integrals to deal with areas and volumes of various structures which are quite significant in the real world.
  • BTAM304-18.3 Formulate and solve engineering problems related to convergence, infinite series, power series, and Taylor series.
  • BTAM304-18.4 Create, select, and utilize the learned techniques of first-degree ordinary differential equations to model real-world problems.
  • BTAM304-18.5 Be acquainted with the knowledge required to solve higher-order ordinary differential equations.

BTES301-18 Best Digital Electronics College in Khanna, Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTES301-18.1 Demonstrate the operation of simple digital gates, identify the symbols, develop the truth table for those gates; combine simple gates into more complex circuits; change binary, hexadecimal, and octal numbers to their decimal equivalent and vice versa
  • BTES301-18.2 Demonstrate the operation of a flip-flop. Design counters and clear the concept of shift registers.
  • BTES301-18.3 Study different types of memories and their applications. Convert digital signal into analog and vice versa.

BTES302-18 Digital Electronics Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTES301-18.1 Realize combinational circuits using logic gates. 
  • BTES301-18.2 Realize sequential circuits using logic gates.
  • BTES301-18.3 Realize various types of Flip-flops and counters.

Semester IV

BTES401-18 Top Computer Organization & Architecture College in Punjab, India

Students will be able to

  • BTES401-18.1 Understand the functional block diagram of the microprocessor. BTES401-18.2 Apply instruction set for Writing assembly language programs
  • BTES401-18.3 Design a memory module and analyze its operation by interfacing it with the CPU.
  • BTES401-18.4 Classify hardwired and microprogrammed control units. BTES401-18.5 Understand the concept of pipelining and its performance metrics.

BTCS402-18 Best Operating System College in Ludhiana, Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTCS402-18.1 Explain basic operating systems concepts such as overall architecture, system calls, user mode, and kernel mode.
  • BTCS402-18.2 Distinguish concepts related to processes, threads, process scheduling, race conditions, and critical sections.
  • BTCS402-18.3 Analyze and apply CPU scheduling algorithms, deadlock detection, and prevention algorithms.
  • BTCS402-18.4 Examine and categorize various memory management techniques like caching, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, and thrashing.
  • BTCS402-18.5 Design and implement a file management system.
  • BTCS402-18.6 Appraise high-level operating systems concepts such as file systems, disk-scheduling algorithms, and various file systems.

BTCS403-18 Best Design & Analysis of Algorithms College in Khanna, Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTCS403-18.1 For given algorithms analyze the worst-case running times of algorithms based on asymptotic analysis and justify the correctness of algorithms.
  • BTCS403-18.2 Explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for which design paradigm (greedy/ divide and conquer/backtrack etc.).
  • BTCS403-18.3 Explain the model for a given engineering problem, using a tree or graph, and write the corresponding algorithm to solve the problems.
  • BTCS403-18.4 Demonstrate the ways to analyze approximation/randomized algorithms (expected running time, probability of error).
  • BTCS403-18.5 Examine the necessity for NP class-based problems and explain the use of heuristic techniques.

BTES402-18 Top Computer Organization & Architecture Lab courses in Khanna

Students will be able to

  • BTES402-18.1 Assemble a personal computer.
  • BTES402-18.2 Implement the various assembly language programs for basic arithmetic and logical operations.
  • BTES402-18.3 Demonstrate the functioning of microprocessor/microcontroller- based systems with an I/O interface.

BTCS404-18 Operating System Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS404-18.1 Understand and implement basic services and functionalities of the operating system.
  • BTCS404-18.2 Analyze and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority.
  • BTCS404-18.3 Implement commands for files and directories.
  • BTCS404-18.4 Understand and implement the concepts of shell programming.
  •  BTCS404-18.5 Simulate file allocation and organization techniques.
  • BTCS404-18.6 Understand the concepts of deadlock in operating systems and implement them in multiprogramming systems.

BTCS405-18 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS405-18.1 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing complex problems with different techniques.
  • BTCS405-18.2 Understand the comparative performance of strategies and hence choose appropriate, to apply to specific problem definition.
  • BTCS405-18.3 Implement Various tree and graph-based algorithms and become familiar with their design methods.
  • BTCS405-18.4 Design and Implement heuristics for real-world problems.

EVS101-18 Best Environmental Sciences College in Punjab

Students will be able to

  • EVS101-18.1 Reflect critically on their roles and identities as citizens, consumers, and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world.
  • EVS101-18.2 Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
  • EVS101-18.3 Understand core concepts and methods from ecological and physical sciences and their application in environmental problem-solving.
  • EVS101-18.4 Understand key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
  • EVS101-18.5 Nurture natural curiosity and creativity for the immediate surroundings.

BTCS401-18 Top Discrete Mathematics College in Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTCS401-18.1 To be able to express logical sentences in terms of predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives.
  • BTCS401-18.2 To derive the solution for a given problem using deductive logic and prove the solution based on logical inference.
  • BTCS401-18.3 For a given mathematical problem, classify its algebraic structure.
  • BTCS401-18.4 To evaluate Boolean functions and simplify expressions using the properties of Boolean algebra.
  • BTCS401-18.5 To develop the given problem as graph networks and solve it with techniques of graph theory.

Semester V

BTES501-18 Best Enterprise Resource Planning College in Ludhiana

Students will be able to

  • BTES401-18.1 To know the basics of ERP.
  • BTES401-18.2 To understand the key implementation issues of ERP. BTES401-18.3 To know the business modules of ERP.
  • BTES401-18.4 To be aware of some popular products in the area of ERP.

BTCS501-18 Database Management System 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS501-18.1 Write relational algebra expressions for a query and optimize the Developed expressions.
  • BTCS501-18.2 Design the databases using ER method and normalization. BTCS501-18.3 Construct the SQL queries for Open source and Commercial
  • BTCS501-18.4 Determine the transaction atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
  • BTCS501-18.5 Implement the isolation property, including locking, time stamping based on concurrency control, and Serializability of scheduling.

BTCS502-18 Formal Language & Automata Theory 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS502-18.1 Write a formal notation for strings, languages, and machines. BTCS502-18.2 Design finite automata to accept a set of strings of a language.
  • BTCS502-18.3 Design context-free grammar to generate strings of context-free language.
  • BTCS502-18.4 Determine equivalence of languages accepted by Push Down Automata and languages generated by context-free grammars.
  • BTCS502-18.5 Distinguish between computability and non-computability and Decidability and undecidability.

BTCS503-18 Software Engineering 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS503-18.1 Students should be able to identify the need for an engineering approach to software development and various processes of requirements analysis for software engineering problems.
  • BTCS503-18.2 Analyse various software engineering models and apply methods for the design and development of software projects.
  • BTCS503-18.3 Work with various techniques, metrics, and strategies for Testing software projects.
  • BTCS503-18.4 Identify and apply the principles, processes, and main knowledge areas for Software Project Management.
  • BTCS503-18.5 Proficiently apply standards, CASE tools, and techniques for engineering software projects.

BTCS504-18 Computer Networks 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS504-18.1 Explain the functions of the different layers of the OSI Protocol. BTCS504-18.2 Describe the function of each block of wide-area networks (WANs),
  • local area networks (LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs).
  • BTCS504-18.3 Develop the network programming for a given problem-related TCP/IP protocol.
  • BTCS504-18.4 Configure DNS DDNS, TELNET, EMAIL, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth, and Firewalls using open-source available software and tools.

BTCS505-18 Database Management System Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS505-18.1 This practical will enable students to retrieve data from relational databases using SQL.
  • BTCS505-18.2 Students will be able to implement the generation of tables using datatypes.
  • BTCS505-18.3 Students will be able to design and execute the various data manipulation queries.
  • BTCS505-18.4 Students will also learn to execute triggers, cursors, stored procedures, etc.

BTCS506-18 Software Engineering Lab 

Students will be able to

BTC506-18.1 BTC506-18.2 BTC506-18.3 BTC506-18.4

BTCS507-18 Computer Network Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS507-18.1 Know about the various networking devices and tools and also understand the implementation of network topologies.
  • BTCS507-18.2 Create various networking cables and know how to test these cables.
  • BTCS507-18.3 Create and configure networks in packet trace tool using various network devices and topologies.
  • BTCS507-18.4 Understand IP addressing and configure networks using the subnet.
  • BTCS507-18.5 Configure routers using various router configuration commands.

BTCS510-18 Programming in Python 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS510-18.1 Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and functions.
  • BTCS510-18.2 Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems
  • BTCS510-18.3 Create, run, and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries and use Regular Expressions.
  • BTCS510-18.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
  • BTCS510-18.5 Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services, and Databases in Python.

BTCS513-18 Programming in Python Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS513-18.1 Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and functions.
  • BTCS513-18.2 Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems.
  • BTCS513-18.3 Create, run, and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries, and use Regular Expressions.
  • BTCS513-18.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
  • BTCS513-18.5 Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services, and Databases in Python.

Semester VI

BTCS601-18 Compiler Design 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS601-18.1 Build concepts on lexical analysis.
  • BTCS601-18.2 Understand strategies of syntax analysis.
  • BTCS601-18.3 Learn techniques of Intermediate code generation.
  • BTCS601-18.4 Understand code design issues and design code generators.
  • BTCS601-18.5 Design and develop optimized codes.

BTCS604-18 Compiler Design Lab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS604-18.1 Build concepts on lexical analysis.
  • BTCS604-18.2 Understand strategies of syntax analysis.
  • BTCS604-18.3 Learn techniques of Intermediate code generation.
  • BTCS604-18.4 Understand code design issues and design code generators.
  • BTCS604-18.5 Design and develop optimized codes.

BTCS602-18 Artificial Intelligence 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS602-18.1 Build intelligent agents for search and games.
  • BTCS602-18.2 Solve AI problems by learning various algorithms and strategies. 
  • BTCS602-18.3 Understand probability as a tool to handle uncertainty.
  • BTCS602-18.4 Learning optimization and inference algorithms for model learning.
  • BTCS602-18.5 Design and develop programs for a reinforcement agent to learn and act in a structured environment.

BTCS605-18 Artificial Intelligence 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS605-18.1 Build intelligent agents for search and games.
  • BTCS605-18.2 Solve AI problems by learning various algorithms and strategies. 
  • BTCS605-18.3 Understand probability as a tool to handle uncertainty.
  • BTCS605-18.4 Learn optimization and inference algorithms for model learning.
  • BTCS605-18.5 Design and develop programs for a reinforcement agent to learn and act in a structured environment.

BTCS608-18 Internet of Things 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS608-18.1 Understand the Internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
  • BTCS608-18.2 Learn interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules.
  • BTCS608-18.3 Remotely monitor data and control devices. 
  • BTCS608-18.4 Develop real-life IoT-based projects.

BTCS609-18 Internet of Things Labs 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS609-18.1 Understand the Internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
  • BTCS609-18.2 Interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules.
  •  BTCS609-18.3 Remotely monitor data and control devices.
  • BTCS609-18.4 Develop real-life IoT-based projects.

BTCS612-18 Cloud Computing

Students will be able to

  • BTCS612-18.1 Understand the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.
  • BTCS612-18.2 Understanding the importance of virtualization along with their technologies.
  • BTCS612-18.3 Analyze various cloud computing service and deployment models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
  • BTCS612-18.4 Students will learn the Implementation of various security strategies for different cloud platforms.

BTCS613-18 Top Cloud Computing College in India

Students will be able to

  • BTCS613-18.1 Understand the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.
  • BTCS613-18.2 Understanding the importance of virtualization along with their technologies.
  • BTCS613-18.3 Analyze various cloud computing service and deployment models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
  • BTCS613-18.4 Implementation of various security strategies for different cloud platforms.

BTCS618-18 Best Machine Learning College in Punjab

Students will be able to

  • BTCS618-18.1 Analyse methods and theories in the field of machine learning. 
  • BTCS618-18.2 Analyse and extract features of complex datasets.
  • BTCS618-18.3 Deploy techniques to comment on the Regression
  • BTCS618-18.4 Comprehend and apply different classification and clustering techniques.
  • BTCS618-18.5 Understand the concept of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm

BTCS619-18 Top Machine Learning Lab College in Ludhiana, Punjab 

Students will be able to

  • BTCS619-18.1 Analyse methods and theories in the field of machine learning. 
  • BTCS619-18.2 Analyse and extract features of complex datasets.
  • BTCS619-18.3 Deploy techniques to comment for the Regression.
  • BTCS619-18.4 Comprehend and apply different classification and clustering techniques.
  • BTCS619-18.5 Understand the concept of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.

Admission Highlights

Sl. No









Mechanical Engineering


 Electronic & Communication Engineering 


Civil Engineering

 4 years or

 3 years for LEET Students

All those candidates who have passed the 10+2 examination from a board recognized or established by central/state government through a legislation and a member of Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE), New Delhi with Physics, Mathematics  and Chemistry with obtained atleast 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together.

(The Universities will offer suitable bridge courses for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to achieve desired learning outcomes of the programme)


Those candidates who have passed diploma in any Engineering Trade from Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training, Chandigarh or Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal (SLIET), or any such examination from any other recognized State Board of Technical Education with atleast 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category)


The candidates who have passed two years certificate course from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal (SLIET) shall be eligible.





Computer Science Engineering


 4 years or

 3 years for LEET Students

All those candidates who have passed the 10+2 examination from a board recognized or established by central/state government through a legislation and a member of Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE), New Delhi with Physics and Mathematics with any of the one subject of Chemistry / Computer Science / Electronics / Information Technology / Biology / Informatics Practices / Biotechnology / Technical Vocational subject / Agriculture / Engineering Graphics / Business Studies / Entrepreneurship with obtained atleast 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together.


Those candidates who have passed diploma in any Engineering Trade from Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training, Chandigarh or Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal (SLIET), or any such examination from any other recognized State Board of Technical Education with atleast 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category)


The candidates who have passed two years certificate course from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal (SLIET) shall be eligible.

Course & Fee

Course Duration Total Fees


2 year 168000


4 year 335000


  • A/C Classrooms
  • Sport Complex
  • Cafeteria
  • Hostel
  • Labs
  • Gym
  • Library

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