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Gulzar Group of Institutes (GGI) Ludhiana

Gulzar Group of Institutes (GGI) Ludhiana

  • LudhianaPunjab
  • Private
  • 2009

MBA Course

Program/ Course

Course Outcomes (CO’s) for MBA

Semester: I


Students will be able to

MBA 101-18.1 Describe fundamental concepts and principles and conventions of accounting. 
MBA 101-18.2 Explain the role and responsibilities of managers and adapt to the various styles of management across organizations. 
MBA 101-18.3 Develop analytical abilities to face business situations. 
MBA 101-18.4 Apply various tools that would facilitate the decision making process in the business. 
MBA 101-18.5 Develop peer based learning and working in groups and teams.
MBA 101-18.6 To comprehend the application of various controlling techniques in management.
MBA 102-18  Managerial Economics

Students will be able to

MBA 102-18.1 Understand the basic concepts of economics and relate it with other disciplines and identify the importance of economics in managerial decision making.
 MBA 102-18.2 Measure price elasticity of demand, understand the determinants of elasticity and apply the concepts of price, cross and income elasticity of demand.
 MBA 102-18.3 Analyze the demand and supply conditions and assess the position of a company and explain the concepts of factors of production, collective bargaining and the underlying theories of factors of production. 
MBA 102-18.4 Recognize the relationship between short-run and long-run costs and will also be able to establish the linkage between production function and cost function 
MBA 102-18.5 Compare and contrast four basic types of market i.e. perfect, monopoly, monopolistic and oligopoly and can determine price and output under d ifferent market types.
MBA 102-18.6 Understand basic concepts of macroeconomics and shall be able to measure national income using different approaches.

Students will be able to

MBA 103-18.1 To have a deeper and rigorous understanding of fundamental concepts in business decision making under subjective conditions. 
MBA 103-18.2 To apply the concepts of central tendency and variation in managerial decision making. 
MBA 103-18.3 To enhance knowledge in probability theory and normality and its distribution concepts. CO4: To understand the concept of correlation regression analysis and their applications. 
MBA 103-18.4 To apply the learnt techniques to build the best fit route of transportation for carrying a schedule of activities. 
MBA 103-18.5 To apply the techniques of the operation in reality to market scenarios. 

Students will be able to

 MBA 104-18.1 To familiarize the students about the basic concepts, principles and process of accounting and to make them aware about the formats of financial statements of public limited, banking and insurance companies.
 MBA 104-18.2 To explain the students about the concepts of cost and various intricacies for preparing the cost sheet. 
MBA 104-18.3 To acquaint students with the decision making techniques using the concepts of marginal costing, standard costing and budgetary control. 
MBA 104-18.4 To enable the students to analyze financial statements using various tools for financial analysis and interpret the financial position of a business organization. 
MBA 104-18.5 To familiarize the students about the contemporary developments in accounting.
MBA 104-18.6 To make students aware about the recent developments in financial reporting and regulations so that they may understand and appreciate the concept and process of harmonization of financial reporting practices
Students will be able to

 MBA 105-18.1 Outline how an entity operates in a complex business environment. 
 MBA 105-18.2 To systematically learn impact of legal & regulatory, macroeconomic, cultural, political, technological, global and natural environment on Business enterprise. 
 MBA 105-18.3 To examine the critical opportunities and threats that arise from an analysis of external business conditions by applying scenario planning to synthesize trends prevailing in the external environment. 
 MBA 105-18.4 To describe how various types of economic systems play a significant role in the success of a business. 
 MBA 105-18.5 To understand the nature of the Indian Economy and various issues relating to the Indian Economy having a direct or indirect impact on the business environment. CO6: To discuss various development strategies in India.


Students will be able to

MBA 106-18.1 To integrate and apply contemporary Ethics & Governance issues in a business context CO2: To analyze and apply ethics to contemporary business practices. 
MBA 106-18.2 To analyze key perspectives on corporate social responsibility and their application. 
MBA 106-18.3 To evaluate different corporate ownership structures and their key governance features. CO5: To understand ethical decision making, ethical reasoning, the dilemma resolution process. 
MBA 106-18.4 To analyze and apply corporate governance perspectives to contemporary business practices. 

Students will be able to

MBA 107-18.1 To understand the basics of communication and its process, and the various barriers in the communication. 
MBA 107-18.2 To learn the listening skills and comprehend the value of business etiquettes 
MBA 107-18.3 To comprehend Non – Verbal communication skills and its application for effective Communication. 
MBA 107-18.4 To learn the skills of writing effective business messages, letters and reports 
MBA 107-18.5 To develop the presentation skills and learning to organize and structure a Presentation using visual aids 
MBA 107-18.6 To prepare the students for interview , employment messages and resume writing skills
Semester: II

MBA 201-18  Business Analytics for Decision Making

Students will be able to

MBA 201-18 To have a deeper and rigorous understanding of fundamental concepts in business decision making under subjective conditions 
MBA 201-18 To enhance knowledge in probability theory and normality and its distribution concepts CO3: To conduct research surveys through multiple regression and multiple correlation 
MBA 201-18 To design a good quantitative purpose statement and good quantitative research questions and hypotheses 
MBA 201-18 To know the various types of quantitative sampling techniques and conditions to use. 
MBA 201-18 To utilize the time series method to predict the future of sales in a concern
MBA 202-18 Legal Environment for Business

Students will be able to

MBA 201-18.1 Students shall be able to understand the legal and regulatory framework of business environment. 
MBA 201-18.2 Students shall be able to identify the fundamental legal principles behind contractual agreements. 
MBA 201-18.3 Students shall be able to understand the legal provisions of sales of goods. 
MBA 201-18.4 Students shall be able to understand the concept of negotiable instruments as well as rules pertaining to crossing, transferring and dishonoring of negotiable instruments. 
MBA 201-18.5 Students shall have understanding of legal rules governing admission, retirement and death of partner and dissolution of partnership firm. 
MBA 201-18.6 Students shall be able to understand the legal framework relating to the process of incorporation of Joint Stock Company
MBA 203-21 Marketing Management

Students will be able to

MBA 202-18.1 To learn the basics of marketing, selling, marketing mix and its core      concepts. 
MBA 202-18.2 To understand the intricacies of the marketing environment and marketing information systems for effective marketing planning and strategies. 
MBA 202-18.3 To equip the students with necessary skills for effective market segmentation, targeting and positioning 
MBA 202-18.4 To prepare the students for understanding the various components of product mix, product life cycle and comprehend the new product development process. 
MBA 202-18.5 To develop an understanding of promotion mix and strategies for successful promotion 
MBA 202-18.6 To gain knowledge about the emerging trends in marketing and pyramid marketing. 
MBA 204-18 Human Resource Management

Students will be able to

MBA 204-18.1 To explain the basics of Human Resource Management and analyse the evolution of HRM. 
MBA 204-18.2 To comprehend the environment of HRM.
MBA 204-18.3 To appraise various functions of HRM that facilitate employee hiring viz. human resource planning, job analysis recruitment and selection. 
MBA 204-18.4 To understand the role of training, development, career planning and performance appraisal functions in human resource development. 
MBA 204-18.5 To examine the provisions of employee health, safety and welfare. 
MBA 204-18.6 To analyse the concerns of government, employees and employers in establishing Industrial relations. 
MBA 204-18.7 To illustrate mechanisms adopted by the organizations for settlement of disputes and grievances
MBA 205-18 Production & Operations Management

Students will be able to

MBA 205-18.1  Understand ever growing importance of Production and Operations management in an uncertain business environment. 
MBA 205-18.2  Gain an in-depth understanding of resource utilization of an organization. 
MBA 205-18.3  Appreciate the unique challenges faced by firms in services and manufacturing.
MBA 205-18.4  Understand the subject as a crucial part of functional management. 
MBA 205-18.5  Develop skills to operate competitively in the current business scenario. 
MBA 205-18.6   Understand the concepts of inventory and purchasing management. 
MBA 206-21 Corporate Finance and Policy

Students will be able to

MBA 206-18.1  To explain the evolution, objectives and functions of corporate finance and interface of corporate finance with other functional areas.
MBA 206-18.2 To illustrate the concept of time values of money and valuation of securities. 
MBA 206-18.3 To comprehend the significance of capital structure theories in capital structure decisions. 
MBA 206-18.4 To facilitate sound investment decisions based on capital budgeting techniques.
MBA 206-18.5 To understand the applications of approaches of working capital management.
MBA 207-18 Entrepreneurship Development and ProjectManagement

Students will be able to

MBA 207-18.1 `To explain the characteristics, functions and traits of an entrepreneur. 
MBA 207-18.2 To illustrate the concept of corporate entrepreneurship and development of the same in the organizations. 
MBA 207-18.3 To comprehend the significance of women entrepreneurs, rural entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. 
MBA 207-18.4 To examine entrepreneurial strategies to explore new entry opportunities, methods of enhancing creativity and generation of ideas.
MBA 207-18.5 To be able to develop an effective business plan. 
MBA 207-18.6 To explain the basic concepts of project management and analyse different phases of project management viz. generation and screening of project ideas, project analysis, selection, financing, implantation and review.
MBAGE 201-18 Computer Applications for Business 

Students will be able to

MBAGE 201-18.1 Develop understanding of computer fundamentals, functions and their classifications. 
MBAGE 201-18.2 Develop a clear understanding and knowledge about the functioning of a Computer software and window operating system .
MBAGE 201-18.3 Demonstrate proficiency in Microsoft word & Excel. 
MBAGE 201-18.4 Apply formatting and editing features to enhance worksheets. 
MBAGE 201-18.5 Use styles, themes, and conditional formats to customize worksheets. 
MBAGE 201-18.6 apply the concepts of data base and Access for editing Data; managing reports and labels, Managing Multiple Tables. 
Semester: III

MBA 301-18 Organizational Behaviour & Design

Students will be able to

MBA 301-18.1 To explain the basics of Orgnaizational behaviour and various challenges for OB in a national and global environment. 
MBA 301-18.2 To illustrate the foundations of Individual Behaviour and analyse the influence of individual level factors viz. learning, personality, perception, attitude and motivation on behaviour in organizations. 
MBA 301-18.3 To assess the significance of leadership and role of leadership styles in effectiveness of the team. 
MBA 301-18.4 To examine the dynamics of group development, group properties and formation of organizational culture. 
MBA 301-18.5 To demonstrate dimensions of organisational design and types of organisational structure and to analyse the influence of environment on organisational design. 
MBA 301-18.6 To interpret the effect of political climate (conflict, power and politics) on human behaviour. 
MBA 302- 18 Marketing Research

Students will be able to

MBA 302-18.1 Understand the process  s of data preparation and data analysis. 

Students will be able to

HVPE 101-18.1 To help the students appreciate the essential complementarity between ‘VALUES’ and ‘SKILLS’ to ensure sustained happiness and prosperity which are the core aspirations of all human beings. 
HVPE 101-18.2 To facilitate the development of a Holistic perspective among students towards life, profession and happiness, based on a correct understanding of the Human reality and the rest of Existence. Such a holistic perspective forms the basis of Value based living in a natural way. 
HVPE 101-18.3 To highlight plausible implications of such a Holistic understanding in terms of ethical human conduct, trustful and mutually satisfying human behavior and mutually enriching interaction with Nature.

MBA 921-18 Consumer Behaviour

Students will be able to

MBA 921-18.1 Provide an understanding of how consumers make decisions. 
MBA 921-18.2 Analyze personal and environmental factors that influence consumer decisions.
MBA 921-18.3 Understand the processes used when individuals, group or organizations make buying decisions.
 MBA 921-18.4 Understand how and why marketers craft particular messages to appeal to consumers. 
MBA 921-18.5 Understand the interrelationship with other functional areas of business as a part of the management process. 
MBA 921-18.6 Assess the process of opinion leadership and its relationship with firm’s promotional strategy. 
MBA 922-18 Services Marketing

Students will be able to

MBA 922-18.1 Understand the fundamental concepts of service marketing and its functions. 
MBA 922-18.2 Identify the role and significance of various elements of service marketing mix. 
MBA 922-18.3 Analyze customer requirement, measure service quality and design and deliver better service. CO4: Analyze integrated services marketing communications and services marketing triangle. CO5: Examine various pricing strategies and pricing approaches in service sectors. 
MBA 922-18.4 Understand service marketing applications in different service sectors
MBA 911-18 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Students will be able to

MBA 911-18.1 To familiarize the students about the basic concepts, various investment avenues, process of investment and market microstructure of financial markets. 
MBA 911-18.2 To enable students to understand the operation of primary as well as secondary markets in India and to understand the concepts of risk and its measurement. 
MBA 911-18.3 To familiarize the students with the concepts and process of fundamental analysis so that they may understand the impact of various environmental factors on investment valuation.. 
MBA 911-18.4 To explain the concepts and process of technical analysis and enable the students to understand the role of daily price movements in portfolio management. 
MBA 911-18.5 To explain the concepts, process and techniques for portfolio c onstruction, evaluation and revision. CO6 – To familiarize the students about the financial derivatives and computation of their expected payoffs.

MBA 912-18  Management of Financial Services

Students will be able to

MBA 912-18.1 To understand the concept of financial services and their importance. 
MBA 912-18.2 To know the structure and schemes of mutual funds. 
MBA 912-18.3 To understand the importance and process of Dematerialisation and rematerialisation. 
MBA 912-18.4 To know the structure and system of credit rating ,leasing ,merchant banking and venture capital. 
MBA 912-18.5 To know the process and importance of factoring and securitisation. 
MBA 912-18.6 To understand the process of asset liability management and risk management in banks
MBA 931-18 Organizational Change and Development

Students will be able to

CO1: Develop understanding of organization change and Define, explain and illustrate theories of planned change, their relevant foundations, strengths and weaknesses. 
CO2: Recognize and comment on issues and problems arising out of organizational change initiatives.
 CO3: To Understand concepts related to system theory, Action Research and Models. 
CO4: Understand the role of various intervention strategies in organizational development. 
CO5: Facilitate organizational change; and apply diagnostic models and concepts to change issues at the organizational, group and individual levels.
 CO6: Examine various issues in the relationship between client and consultant relationship
MBA 932-18  Employee Relations

Students will be able to

MBA 931-18.1 Understand establishing & maintaining a sound relationship between the worker & the employer. 
MBA 931-18.2 Understand the significance & functioning of Trade Unions. 
MBA 931-18.3 Identify the simmering issues which might take the form of a dispute in the workplace. 
MBA 931-18.4 Examine various provisions laid down by laws to settle disputes in the organizations. 
MBA 931-18.5 Assess the importance of various Acts in Industrial Relations.
MBA 931-18.6 Comprehend the concept and classification of labour welfare.
MBA 941–18  Data Mining for Business Decisions

Students will be able to

MBA 941-18.1 To understand the opportunities, techniques and critical challenges in using data mining and predictive modelling in a business setting. 
MBA 941-18.2 Use research-based knowledge and methods including company analysis, primary and secondary data collection, analysis and interpretation of data to find solution to business problems 
MBA 941-18.3 To understand and translate business challenges into data mining problems.
MBA 941-18.4 To become familiar with the processes needed to develop, report and analyze business data. 
MBA 941-18.5 To gain an understanding of how managers use business analytics to formulate and solve business problems and to support managerial decision making.  
MBA 942 – 18 E-Commerce and Digital Markets

Students will be able to

MBA 942-18.1 To understand of various applications and scope of ecommerce. 
MBA 942-18.2 To know the working of various payment modes used in ecommerce today.
MBA 942-18.3 Understand how and why to use digital marketing for multiple goals within a larger marketing and/or media strategy, Developing effective digital and social media strategies.
MBA 942-18.4 Understand the major digital marketing channels - online advertising: Digital display, video, mobile, search engine, and social media. 
MBA 942-18.5 Students will be able to explore the latest digital ad technologies .

Students will be able to

MBA 951-18.1 Understand the strategic role of operations management in creating and enhancing a firm’s competitive advantages. 
MBA 951-18.2 Analyze, evaluate and recommend changes in the operations strategy of an organization. CO3:Demonstrate a managerial point of view i.e. capacity for analyzing operations problems on a functional, business and company wide basis.

Students will be able to

MBA 952-18.1 Be able to understand the characteristics of different types of decision-making environments and the appropriate decision making approaches and tools to be used in each type. 
MBA 952-18.2 Model Formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision problems. 
MBA 952-18.3 Be able to design new simple models, like: CPM, PERT to improve decision –making and develop critical thinking and objective analysis of decision problems. 
MBA 961-18 Marketing Analytics

Students will be able to

MBA 961-18.1 To learn how to analyse market conditions in the era of social media. 
MBA 961-18.2 To learn to apply statistical tools on marketing data metrices. 
MBA 961-18.3 Understand how the “first principles” of marketing strategy helps firms organize the analytics opportunity and challenge in today’s data era, and 
MBA 961-18.4 Use and execute data analytic techniques, and case studies to understand how to solve marketing analytics problems in a scientific and process-driven manner. 
MBA 962-18 Data Sciences using R

Students will be able to
MBA 962-18.1 Know advanced aspects of big data analytics, applying appropriate machine learning techniques to analyse big data sets.
 MBA 962-18.2 Assess the statistical significance of data mining results, basic statistical modelling and analysis using the open-source tool R. 
MBA 962-18.3 Describe what Data Science is and the skill sets needed to be a data scientist. 
MBA 962-18.4 Understand concepts like Big Data, Data Mining, Data Analytics and Machine Learning CO5: Understand various algorithm for data analysis (classification and Clustering).
Semester: IV

MBA 401-18 Corporate Strategy

Students will be able to

MBA 401-18.1 Understand the concepts of strategic management process and strategic decision making process. 
MBA 401-18.2 Discuss various techniques of external as well as internal environmental analysis of business.
MBA 401-18.3 Explain various business level and corporate level strategies for the growth of the business along with their implications. 
MBA 401-18.4 Illustrate the issues involved in strategy implementation and the role of leadership, communication and organizational structure in implementation of strategy. 
MBA 401-18.5 Develop various functional plans for successful implementation of strategy. 
MBA 401-18.6 Understand organisational systems and techniques of strategic evaluation and control. 
MBA 923-18 Integrated Marketing Communication and Sales Management 

Students will be able to

MBA 923-18.1 Apply the key terms, definitions, and concepts used in integrated marketing communications. 
MBA 923-18.2 Conduct and evaluate marketing research and apply these findings to develop competitive IMC Programme. 
MBA 923-18.3 Examine the role of various promotional strategies such as advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and PR in effectiveness of marketing communication. 
MBA 923-18.4 Understand and apply the concepts of sales management and organization. 
MBA 923-18.5 Develop sales related marketing policies such as product policies, distribution policies & pricing policies.
MBA 923-18.6 Explain various sales operations such as sales budget, sales territories, sales Quota’s, control of sales, sales meeting and sales contest, organizing display, showroom and exhibition. 

MBA 924-18 Retail Management 

Students will be able to

MBA 924-18.1 Understand opportunities and challenges in retail management and retail management decision process. 
MBA 924-18.2 Examine various types of retail formats and comprehend the application of theories of retail development on business models in retail. 
MBA 924-18.3 Discuss and apply various function of store management. 
MBA 924-18.4 Recognize the importance of store design and apply the concepts of store design to determine store layout and merchandising. 
MBA 924-18.5 Understand the importance of customer service in improving retail service qualities. 
MBA 924-18.6 Describe the applications of IT in retailing. 
MBA 925-18 International and Social Media Marketing

Students will be able to

MBA 925-18.1 Assess the challenges in international marketing and understand various international market entry strategies. 
MBA 925-18.2 Evaluate international marketing environment and identify various international trade barriers and regional blocks. 
MBA 925-18.3 Develop international product, pricing and communication policy and examine international distribution system. 
MBA 925-18.4 Discuss the evolution of social media marketing and identify various benefits and applications of social media. 
MBA 925-18.5 Explain how to develop effective social media marketing strategies for various types of industries and businesses. 
MBA 925-18.6 Describe the major social media marketing portals that can be used to promote a company, brand, product, service or person. 
MBA 926-18 Product and Brand Management

Students will be able to

MBA 926-18.1 Understand what a product is, the various levels which make it up, and different types of products.
 MBA 926-18.2 Examine various challenges and issues involved in product planning and development. 
MBA 926-18.3 Discuss and apply the concepts of test marketing and market entry of a product. 
MBA 926-18.4 Recognize the features and importance of a brand and conduct branding research. 
MBA 926-18.5 Understand the concept of brand loyalty and measuring brand performance. 
MBA 926-18.6 Describe the role of various branding strategies in brand equity management.
MBA 913-18 Behavioural Finance

Students will be able to

MBA 913-18.1   Understand and differentiate between different theories of behavioural finance.
MBA 913-18.2 Examine the concepts of bounded rationality. 
MBA 913-18.3  Discuss various anomalies in the market giving rise to behavioural bias. 
MBA 913-18.4 Describe the basis of behavioural bias of professional investors trading in market. 
MBA 913-18.5 Understand the concept of market efficiency and will be able to relate it with the concept of behavioural finance. 
MBA 914-18 Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring

Students will be able to

MBA 914-18.1  To explain the popularity of merger and acquisition strategies in firms competing in the global economy.
MBA 914-18.2 To describe the reasons why firms use an acquisition strategy to achieve strategic competitiveness. 
MBA 914-18.3 To describe the issues that are significant in valuation decisions, and the factors which work against achieving success when using an acquisition strategy. 
MBA 914-18.4 To define the restructuring strategy and distinguish among its common forms. 
MBA 914-18.5 To explain the regulatory aspects of mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring

MBA 915-18 International Finance and Financial Derivatives

Students will be able to

MBA 915-18.1 Understand the framework of international exchange rate system including factors influencing exchange rates. 
MBA 915-18.2 Discuss the basics of different types of derivative contracts like futures, options and swaps. 
MBA 915-18.3 Understand various types of risks / exposures in forex trading and their management. 
MBA 915-18.4 Describe various theories underlying the concepts of international finance. 
MBA 915-18.5 Understand trading strategies using options contracts. CO6: Describe the regulatory framework of derivatives contracts in India. 
MBA 916-18 Taxation and Personal Financial Planning 

Students will be able to

MBA 916-18.1 The students will be familiarised with the concepts of tax management, tax avoidance and tax evasion and the methods of ways of tax planning. 
MBA 916-18.2 To acquaint students with the provision of the current finance act with regard to various head of income.
MBA 916-18.3 To enable students to compute the tax liability of individuals after considering their residential status, various exempted incomes, permissible deduction, clubbing of income and setting off of losses. 
MBA 916-18.4 To familiarise students with the concept, objectives and importance of personal financial planning and enable the students to understand the implications of environmental factors and time value of money on the personal financial statements. 
MBA 916-18.5 To enable students to identify various types of risks any individual is exposed to and how they can hedge diversifiable risk. 
MBA 916-18.6 To familiarise students with various instruments available for investment by an individual for achieving their personal financial goals 
MBA 933-18 International Human Resource Management 

Students will be able to

MBA 933-18.1 Understand issues, opportunities and challenges pertaining to international HRM. 
MBA 933-18.2 Develop competency in dealing with cross cultural situations. 
MBA 933-18.3 Understand the strategic and functional roles of HRM in various international contexts, especially in areas such as recruitment and selection, performance management, training, learning and development, career management, compensation, motivation and repatriation. 
MBA 933-18.4 Identify the role of cross cultural leadership in managing multicultural teams. 
MBA 933-18.5 Understand external forces (e.g. globalisation, sociocultural changes, political and economic changes) that have the potential to shape international HRM. 
MBA 933-18.6 Develop generic and transferable skills-especially in diagnosing international HRM issues critically and analytically and discussing specific cases relating to international HRM.
MBA 934-18 Strategic Human Resource Management

Students will be able to

MBA 934-18.1 Understand an integrated approach to the development of HR strategies that enable the organization to achieve its goals. 
MBA 934-18.2 Describe the process of strategic HRM.
 MBA 934-18.3 Discuss the strategic role of HR systems such as strategic staffing, strategic appraisal, strategic reward system etc.
MBA 934-18.4 Explain various human aspects of strategy implementation. 
MBA 934-18.5 Identify the role of leadership in implementing strategic change. 
MBA 934-18.6 Understand Global HRM and role of global HRM in successful implementation of MNC strategy 
MBA 935-18 Leadership and Team Dynamics

Students will be able to

MBA 935-18.1 Understand the history of leadership and current leadership theories. 
MBA 935-18.2 Explain how leadership models are put into practice personally, locally, and globally. 
MBA 935-18.3 Discuss the knowledge of developing leadership abilities. CO3: Describe the concept of Strategic Leadership and ethical leadership. 
MBA 935-18.4 Explain composition, formation, and development of teams. 
MBA 935-18.5 Illustrate the dynamics of team Performance and motivation and the role of leadership in dynamics of team management and decision making. 
MBA 936-18 Performance and Compensation Management

Students will be able to

MBA 936-18.1 Increase the awareness of the process and principles of performance Management / appraisal. 
MBA 936-18.2 Identify the negative aspects of appraisal systems and consider how these might be overcome. 
MBA 936-18.3 Discuss performance with regard to pay awards, and whether these should, or should not be automatically related to each other. 
MBA 936-18.4 Demonstrate a familiarity with the appeal process relating specifically to the performance review. 
MBA 936-18.5 Illustrate different ways to strengthen the pay-for-performance link and also learn the concepts of Payment and employee benefits issues for contingent workers. 
MBA 936-18.6 Develop appropriate reward and compensation policies. 
MBA 943 – 18 Managing Software Projects 

Students will be able to

MBA 943-18.1 Understanding approaches for managing and optimizing the software development process. 
MBA 943-18.2 Examine contemporary software life cycle processes, activities and work products. 
MBA 943-18.3 Apply different methods to identify, analyze, and manage software project risks. 
MBA 943-18.4 Estimate software project effort, cost, and schedule for an intermediate size project.
MBA 943-18.5 To make aware about the various software project teams in terms of roles and responsibilities and managers can plan their projects and minutely work out the cost and time overrun of projects. 
MBA 944 – 18 Managing Digital Innovation and Transformation

Students will be able to

MBA 944-18.1 Identify how Digital Transformation impacts corporate strategies
MBA 944-18.2 Understand Security Issues in Digital Transformations
MBA 944-18.3 Understand the risk associated with evolving international clients and environment
 MBA 944-18.4 To learn Security Issues, Methods & Laws
MBA 944-18.5 Understanding cloud computing 
MBA 945 – 18 IT Consulting

Students will be able to

MBA 945-18.1 To analyze the IT requirements of the organization and the underlying environment. 
MBA 945-18.2 Toadvise IT solutions and services based on requirements. 
MBA 945-18.3 To understand RFP Analysis. 
MBA 945-18.4 Toprovide an understanding about SLA.
MBA 945-18.5 To familiar with ethics in consulting.
MBA 946 – 18 Strategic Management of IT

Students will be able to

MBA 946-18.1 To develop an understanding of strategic management concepts and techniques and acquire the ability to apply the same in business situations. 
MBA 946-18.2 Learning how to use IT as a tool to implement business strategies and gain competitive advantage, not merely to support business operations.
MBA 946-18.3 In addition to familiarizing students with new technological changes in management, students are expected to integrate and apply their prior learning to strategic decision making in organisations.
 MBA 946-18.4 Integrate and apply knowledge gained in basic courses to the formulation and implementation of strategy from holistic and multi-functional perspectives. 
MBA 946-18.5 Analyze and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop creative solutions, using a strategic management perspective.

Students will be able to

MBA 953-18.1 Demonstrate a clear understanding of the key concepts applied in logistics and supply chain management. 
MBA 953-18.2 To highlight the importance of all activities of the supply chain and an understanding of concepts like inbound and outbound logistics, offshore and inshore logistics. 
MBA 953-18.3 To develop skills for planning, designing the operational facilities of supply chain with the analytical and critical understanding

Students will be able to

MBA 954-18.1 Evaluate the principles of quality management and to explain how these principles can be applied within quality management systems. 
MBA 954-18.2 To provide students with the requisite knowledge of concepts and to impart practical skills and techniques required in the area of strategies for managing technology in business. 
MBA 954-18.3 Critically appraise the organizational, communication and teamwork requirements for effective quality management. 
MBA 954-18.4 Critically analyze the strategic issues in quality management, including current issues and developments, and to devise and evaluate quality implementation plans. 
MBA 963-18 Data Visualization for Managers

Students will be able to

MBA 963-18.1 Employee best practices in data visualization to develop charts, maps, tables, and other visual representations of data. 
MBA 963-18.2 Use Tableau’s visualization tools to conduct data analysis, especially exploration of an unfamiliar dataset. 
MBA 963-18.3 Create compelling, interactive dashboards to combine several. visualizations into a cohesive and functional whole. 
MBA 963-18.4 Utilize advanced Tableau features including parameters, data blending,   custom SQL, very large datasets, custom date hierarchies, and others. 
MBA 963-18.5 Use data visualizations, dashboards and Tableau Stories to support relevant communication for diverse audiences.
MBA 964-18 Business Forecasting

Students will be able to

MBA 964-18.1 Understand the importance of forecasting in making accurate decisions in economic and business environments 
MBA 964-18.2 Understand the basics in regression analysis, time series analysis and their applications in forecasting 
MBA 964-18.3 Understand how to handle the trend, seasonal and cyclical issues in forecasting analysis. 
MBA 964-18.4 Construct forecasting reports to higher level management for vital decision-making process. 
MBA 964-18.5 Use the software packages for developing forecasting models.
MBA 964-18.6 Be prepared for more advanced study of economic and business forecasting.

MBA 403-18 Workshop on Indian Ethos

Students will be able to

MBA 403-18.1 Comprehend and practice Indian Ethos and values system. 
MBA 403-18.2 Applying value based management and ethical practices in business. 
MBA 403-18.3 To gain the knowledge of management principles from Vedas and other holy books and explain the application of Indian heritage in business. 
MBA 403-18.4 To comprehend various stress management techniques and their applications in organizations. 
MBA 403-18.5 To describe salient features and advantages of the ancient Indian system of learning. 
MBA 403-18.6 To describe various laws of Karma and explain the concept of corporate karma. 

Admission Highlights

Sl. No







      2 years

Passed Bachelor Degree of minimum 3 years duration.
Obtained at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidates
belonging to reserved category) in the qualifying examination.

Course & Fee

Course Duration Total Fees


2 year 168000


4 year 335000


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